If you are new to buying auto insurance, or you are just ready for a change of carrier or agency, there may be a lot of questions that come to mind. Having an insurance agent who has lots of answers makes the process much easier. If you are in or near Boise, ID, Fuhriman Insurance Agency can provide the answer you need. We realize that our customers are our most precious asset and our goal is to provide the best insurance products at the most reasonable price.
How much auto insurance do I need to have?
In Idaho, liability insurance is required by law. The mandated coverage amount is 25/50/15. If you have an auto loan, you will be required to carry collision and comprehensive insurance.
What deductible should I have?
The deductible is the amount you will need to pay out of pocket before your auto insurance covers repairs on your vehicle. You should choose an amount that won’t be difficult for you to pay.
Do I need full glass coverage?
If you have ever taken a stone to your windshield you know the answer to this question. It is a very minimal premium, and it provides great service.
What is comprehensive insurance cover?
Comprehensive insurance covers damages to your vehicle that are beyond your control. If your car is stolen or vandalized that will be covered. If hail damages your paint or a limb is blown onto your vehicle, that is covered. If a deer runs into your car, that is covered.
Do I need to have collision insurance?
If you are in an accident where you are at fault collision insurance will pay to have your vehicle repaired after you pay the deductible. If you need your vehicle, you need collision coverage.
In Boise, ID contact Fuhriman Insurance Agency for all your auto insurance needs.