Update Your Life Insurance After These Life Events in Boise, ID

No one likes to think about their mortality, but it’s essential to have a life insurance policy in place in case the worst should happen. And while you may not need to think about your life insurance very often, there are certain times in your life when it’s a good idea to look at your policy and make sure it’s still appropriate for your needs. Here are four life events that should prompt you to update your life insurance in Boise, ID.

1. Marriage

Updating your life insurance is a good idea if you’re getting married. When you’re single, your life insurance needs are likely much different from when you’re married. A two-income household suffers when one spouse dies, so you’ll want to ensure your life insurance is enough to cover the loss of income.

2. Birth or Adoption of a Child

When you have a child, you’ll want to make sure your life insurance is enough to cover the costs of raising them. This includes things like childcare, education, and other expenses. You may also want to consider getting a life insurance policy for your child, known as a child rider. Your Fuhriman Insurance Agency agent can help you determine the right amount of life insurance for your family.

3. Change in Financial Situation

You’ll want to update your life insurance if your financial situation changes. This could be because of a change in income, a change in debts, or a change in assets. You’ll want to ensure your life insurance suffices to meet your needs. For example, purchasing a home or starting a business will likely require more life insurance than you had previously.

Learn more about updating your life insurance policy by contacting Fuhriman Insurance Agency today. Our experienced and friendly agents are here to help you find the right policy for your needs. Call us or stop by our office in Boise, ID to get started.

How Term Life Insurance Works

Term life insurance is just one of the types of life insurance that you can get to protect your loved ones from financial harm, but it is a type that has long been popular. It comes with many benefits that have kept customers interested in this type of insurance. If you want to know more about term life insurance, call us today at Fuhriman Insurance Agency in Boise, ID.

Term Coverage

With most types of term life insurance, you need a physical exam before you are accepted for coverage. This is just a standard physical and a discussion about your health history. If you have a lot of pre-existing conditions, you may not be accepted for it. If you have serious health problems, you are also likely to have trouble getting a life insurance policy. If you are in relatively good health, you will likely be accepted for a specific term. The term is the period for which the life insurance policy will be active. This may be 10 years, 20 years, 25, etc. The exact term of coverage is spelled out in the policy agreement. 

Low Cost

Many people like term life insurance because they can lock in a low rate while they are younger and have the premiums stay the same for the term of coverage. And term life insurance generally costs less than a whole life policy. Term life insurance often works better than whole life for people on a strict budget. The prices generally depend on the term of coverage and the amount of the death benefit, and your overall health and age. 

Get Term Life Insurance

Call us at Fuhriman Insurance Agency in Boise, ID if you need life insurance to protect your loved ones.

What Does Term Life Insurance Cover?

Term life insurance policies cover a specific period of time, allowing you to collect a death benefit for a specific period of time. If you are considering term life insurance, you want to make sure that your family will have the protection they need.

Fuhriman Insurance Agency serves the residents of Boise, ID, providing life insurance solutions. These are some of the things term life insurance covers.

Term Life Insurance Pays a Death Benefit

The main point of getting term life insurance is for your family to receive a benefit upon your death. If you pass away, your family receives the insurance benefit that you’ve been paying into. It is important that you know what types of death situations will help you get the coverage you want for your family.

Term Life Insurance Is a Short-Term Option

You should also know that term life insurance covers only a portion of your life. This is why many people use insurance to provide a benefit to their young dependents. For instance, you might have children who will be adults within 15 years, so a short-term insurance option works well.

Term Life Insurance Covers Varying Terms

When it comes to term life insurance, you have a lot of freedom to choose the coverage you are looking for. Your coverage can provide protection for your family for 10, 15, or 20 years. Make sure that you read your contract to understand exactly how long your insurance will last.

Get Term Life Insurance Today

Fuhriman Insurance Agency, which serves Boise, ID, offers term life insurance policies. Get the information you need today to get the best insurance to protect your family.

Common Myths About Life Insurance You Should Know

Life insurance is an overcomplicated and sensitive topic as it involves talking about death, leaving your loved ones behind and money. All these are critical areas of life that require proper planning and sober decision-making. That’s why many people in Boise, ID prefer to skip it. However, to understand your needs, you need to be well-versed with life insurance policy types. At Fuhriman Insurance Agency, we recommend learning your needs before buying the policy. To get you started, here are the common myths we thought you should know.

You don’t need life insurance when young

In fact, it’s the exact opposite. Young people have many advantages when they buy life insurance at a young age. It is also true that they need life insurance more than seniors. Remember, as a young person, you still have critical decisions to make, such as getting married, buying a home, or starting a business.

It is too expensive

Millennials in Boise, ID tend to skip life insurance because they overestimate the cost. However, life insurance is cheapest when you are young, strong, and healthy. You can lock in low rates that will remain that way up to the agreed duration. Term life insurance is cheaper and allows you to carry the policy for the amount of time you like.

If you have a condition, you’re not eligible

Just because insurance providers use health and age to determine insurance rates doesn’t mean you cannot buy insurance if you’re diagnosed with a condition. In contrast, some policies are specifically designed for specific health conditions like cancer and diabetes. You can also opt for simplified life insurance that doesn’t require a medical exam.

Let us help you

There is so much you can learn about life insurance, but the most important lesson is that you need it to protect your loved ones financially. If you need more information or help to buy the policy, contact Fuhriman Insurance Agency, and we will be happy to help.

Why should people get life insurance in Idaho?

Those that are in the Boise, ID area need to spend time assessing their personal insurance needs. One type of insurance coverage that people here should consider getting is life insurance. There continues to be a variety of reasons why someone here should get a life insurance plan. 

Insurance Gives Financial Protection to Dependents

A key reason that people need to get life insurance is that it will provide financial protection to their dependents. Those that have dependents that rely on their income should ensure they will be cared for and covered in the future as well. With a life insurance plan, you can ensure that they will have the financial resources needed if you were to pass away. 

Life Insurance Offers Financial Benefits

You should also get a life insurance plan as it can offer great financial benefits. Beyond providing the insurance payout, you can also use life insurance to invest and prepare for your future. With a whole life insurance plan, your monthly payment will include some money that goes into an account that will grow in value. You will be able to liquidate this account and use it for any other purpose that you want. 

When you are in the Boise, ID area it is very important that you get proper insurance coverage. For those that are looking for life insurance here, a great company to speak with is Fuhriman Insurance Agency. The team that works with Fuhriman Insurance Agency understands the value that this coverage provides. They also understand the personalization that needs to go into each plan. The team here can help you determine the type and level of life insurance that is right for you. They can then help you to build a policy that is ideal for your situation. 

How much life insurance is enough

Life insurance is the one type of insurance you don’t buy to protect yourself, you buy it to protect your loved ones. If something happens to you, it will help them to be able to go on with their lives without your paycheck to pay the bills. Deciding how much life insurance is enough is not a simple one size fits all figure. Many factors go into coming up with the right amount and having an insurance agent who you trust can make all the difference. In Boise, ID that is Fuhriman Insurance Agency, a family owned small business that has been in business for almost 60 years.

The aim of life insurance is to provide security for your loved ones. How much money that involves depends on who your loved ones are. If it is your parents it will require a lot less money than if it is a spouse and young children. Depending on how old your children are and the type of lifestyle you are living, it can be years of income. According to financial experts, it can be from seven to as much as 10 or more years of your income. If you plan for them to be able to attend college, that is something else to consider. 

You should also have enough life insurance to cover any debt that you may have. This includes everything from a mortgage to a car payment and credit card debt. Making sure that you provide the money for your final expenses is the very least you should do. Losing someone you love is stressful enough, worrying about how you will bury them is unthinkable. 

When you are ready to discuss your life insurance needs, Fuhriman Insurance Agency in Boise, ID is an independent agency that offers a selection of the finest carriers in the business. Give our office a call or stop in to get a no-obligation quote. 

What are my life insurance options?

Anyone that is in the Boise ID area will want to spend time considering all of their personal insurance needs. One form of insurance that anyone here will need to think about getting is life insurance. This is a very valuable form of insurance as it helps to ensure that your loved ones are financially protected if you were to pass away unexpectedly. When you are looking for life insurance, you have several options to consider. 

Whole Life Insurance

One common form of life insurance to consider is whole life insurance. When you get this form of life insurance, you are going to receive coverage for the rest of your life. This form of the policy can be more expensive on a monthly basis, but a portion of your payments each month will go into an account that will grow in value. This also makes it a good secure form of investment. 

Term Life Insurance

Another option to understand is term life insurance. With a term life insurance policy, your monthly payments will not accrue in an account, but they tend to be a lot lower when compared to whole life. While there is not an investment benefit, it does allow for more protection for those on a budget. A term life insurance policy can come with flexible terms and coverage amounts to ensure you get into a policy that meets your needs.

As you are shopping for a new life insurance policy, you should spend time considering all of your needs. For those in the Boise, ID area, the Fuhriman Insurance Agency is a great resource and team to turn to. When you call the Fuhriman Insurance Agency, you can have all of your questions answered to ensure you can get into a policy that meets your needs. 

Three reasons you may want to take out a whole life insurance policy

Consumers who are purchasing life insurance need to choose between a term life or whole life insurance policy. At Fuhriman Insurance Agency, we offer whole life insurance to consumers in Boise, ID.

Whole life insurance might be the best option for you depending on your particular situation. The following are three reasons you may want to take out a whole life insurance policy. 

Whole life insurance policies build cash value over time.

If you take out a term life insurance policy, you don’t get anything back from the money you put into premiums unless you die during the policy term.

On the other hand, a whole life insurance policy accumulates value over time. Whole life insurance is a long term investment rather than just a temporary safety net in the event of an unexpected death. 

The death benefit provided by a whole life insurance policy is guaranteed. 

Not matter what happens, you are guaranteed a death benefit when you pass away as long as you continue to pay your whole life insurance premiums. Also, this death benefit will not be subject to taxes. 

A whole life insurance policy will not expire. 

You need to renew term life insurance when your life insurance term is up to have further life insurance coverage. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to renew a life insurance policy as you get older.

With whole life insurance, your policy will never expire and remains active for the rest of your life. 

We’re here to help if you have questions about our whole life insurance policies in Boise, ID. Contact us at Fuhriman Insurance Agency to learn more.

Do I need life insurance if I’m not married

The question of the part that marriage plays in the need for life insurance is one that should be considered. Whether or not people depend on you is not contingent on your being married. When considering life insurance, the most important consideration is what will happen to anyone who counts on you if you were to die without having life insurance. The experienced staff at Fuhriman Insurance Agency in Boise, ID help their customers to make informed decisions when it comes to insurance. 

If you have no dependents, have no debt, have the assets to cover those debts and have prepaid your final expenses, you may not need life insurance. This can be true for persons of any age who fit these criteria. For everyone else, there are some things that need to be considered.

  • What is your overall financial condition?
  • Do you have assets? 
  • Do you have people who depend on you for their support? 
  • How long would the support need to continue after you are deceased? 
  • Do you have a mortgage or other debt? 
  • Are your final expenses prepaid or is there money to pay them? 

Marriage is a legal contract and it makes your spouse the beneficiary of your estate and your life insurance in most cases. You may be in a relationship that is not marriage but where you want to protect your partner and make sure they are cared for. You may have dependent children even if you are not married and you may want to leave a legacy to any children you may have even if they are not dependent on you for support. 

Whether or not you are married has little or no effect on the need you may have for life insurance. How much you need is something that you can discuss with the  Fuhriman Insurance Agency in Boise, ID. We have the knowledge to help you. Give our office a call or stop by and discuss your insurance needs. 



Why life insurance is important even if you are young and healthy

When is the right time in life to buy a life insurance policy? Most people think that life insurance is only something that older people, with families and children, have to carry. However, the Fuhriman Insurance Agency serving Boise, ID would like to inform you that a life insurance policy is a good thing to have at any age.

When you are young and starting out, chances are you feel so healthy that you are practically immortal. But the sad truth is that death can come for us all at any age, by accident or a sudden onset of a fatal disease.

Even if you are young and single, a life insurance policy can help with your final expenses and pay whatever debts you are carrying. The payout and the corresponding premiums do not have to be especially large.

The more you progress in life, the more life insurance becomes important. When you get married, start having children, and take on the responsibility of owning a home, a life insurance policy can not only help whatever loved ones you leave behind should you pass away, it will pay off even more debts that you have incurred.

Thinking about life insurance can be a difficult thing when you are young. It means that you have to acknowledge your own mortality, an unpleasant thing to contemplate. However, life insurance can also bring peace of mind. When you know your loved ones will be taken care of should you pass on at a young age, you will have one less thing to stress over.

For more questions about life insurance, feel free to contact the Fuhriman Insurance Agency, serving Boise, ID.