Who Needs Worker’s Compensation Insurance?

As the employer, you must provide a safe working place you’re your staff. Unfortunately, even with your best efforts, accidents that result in employee injury can happen in any business. In such instances, you will have to compensate the employee for the injury they have endured and the income they will likely lose. This is where workers’ compensation insurance comes in to take the burden of employee compensation off your shoulders. 

Whatever business you are in, workers’ compensation insurance is a must-have. If you are based in Boise, ID, you can check out Fuhriman Insurance Agency for your enterprise’s workers’ compensation insurance. Why is workers’ compensation insurance important? 

Protects Your Employees

The primary purpose of worker’s compensation insurance is to protect your employee in case of a work-related injury. It protects your employees’ financial future, which might be negatively affected by the high bills accrued treating the injury. In addition to this, it provides employees with sustainable income as they recover from the injury. Moreover, some workplace injuries can lead to loss of quality of life, workers’ compensation insurance provides financial relief to fill the gap.

Protects the Business from Expensive Lawsuits

Without compensation, workers may be forced to sue a business after they sustain an injury at their workplace. Lawsuits are expensive, and the business should avoid them. Besides the legal fees, a judge or jury may award the employee a high compensation that might hurt the business’s financial health.

Good for the Company’s Prosperity

Fuhriman Insurance Agency points out that paying for workers’ compensation insurance premiums is more affordable than paying for the workers’ compensation out of pocket. Moreover, workers are more motivated to give their best at work if they know they are insured against injury. It also improves the brand’s public image, which boosts sales. All of these are good for the company’s prosperity.

Is your Boise, ID business in need of workers’ compensation insurance? Reach out to us for all the help you need.

Does your renter’s insurance move with you when you move?

Does the same renters’ insurance policy move with the insured when they move from one home to another? Within the same city? State? To another state?

Yes. When you move within the same town or state, you only need to update your address, typically. Your premiums may go up or down due to your new address. One of the criteria for premium setting relates to location. A bad neighborhood of high crime costs more in premiums because it increases the risk to the insurance company. Conversely, if you move to a nicer neighborhood in Boise, ID, your premiums could drop.
You need to contact Fuhriman Insurance Agency within 30 days of your move to update your address. Your coverage will lapse if you do not. Your policy covers your belongings at the address on the policy.

Yes. While you move from one address to the other. The standard renters’ insurance covers your items while in transit.

No. When you move from one state to another state, you no longer have coverage. Each state has separate criteria for insurance agents and agencies. You must obtain a new renters’ policy from an insurer within the state.

You may choose to use the same insurance company, but you will need a new agent local to the area.

If you just moved to Boise, ID or you recently moved from one home to the other and need to update your renter’s insurance, call us at Fuhriman Insurance Agency. We can help you obtain the insurance coverage you need to protect your belongings in your new abode.

Do You Need Umbrella Insurance Coverage?

There are plenty of options for good insurance coverage, but sometimes you just want a little more than what your other policies provide. If that’s the case for you, or if you’re not sure whether more coverage would be the right choice, come talk to us at the Fuhriman Insurance Agency. We work with customers in the Boise, ID area who have questions about umbrella insurance and other types of policies. Our professional agents can help you get the type of policy that’s right for your needs, and add to the coverage you already have so you have a higher level of protection and more peace of mind.

There’s a myth that only the wealthy or those that have their own businesses need this kind of extra insurance protection. While it’s likely that people in those situations do have additional coverage, this kind of added insurance can be a good choice for nearly anyone. Even those who don’t have significant assets may be able to benefit from an umbrella policy that will add to what they already have in their current insurance portfolio. We can help you decide if this type of coverage is needed and right for you.

Reach out to us at the Fuhriman Insurance Agency today, and let’s see how we can help. If you’re in the Boise, ID area and have questions about umbrella insurance, you’re in the right place. We know there are different ways to get the protection you need and want, and we’re committed to helping you have strong peace of mind based on your insurance choices. There’s no reason to settle for less than full protection that can let you focus on other areas of life and get back to doing all the things you enjoy with your time.

Why should people get life insurance in Idaho?

Those that are in the Boise, ID area need to spend time assessing their personal insurance needs. One type of insurance coverage that people here should consider getting is life insurance. There continues to be a variety of reasons why someone here should get a life insurance plan. 

Insurance Gives Financial Protection to Dependents

A key reason that people need to get life insurance is that it will provide financial protection to their dependents. Those that have dependents that rely on their income should ensure they will be cared for and covered in the future as well. With a life insurance plan, you can ensure that they will have the financial resources needed if you were to pass away. 

Life Insurance Offers Financial Benefits

You should also get a life insurance plan as it can offer great financial benefits. Beyond providing the insurance payout, you can also use life insurance to invest and prepare for your future. With a whole life insurance plan, your monthly payment will include some money that goes into an account that will grow in value. You will be able to liquidate this account and use it for any other purpose that you want. 

When you are in the Boise, ID area it is very important that you get proper insurance coverage. For those that are looking for life insurance here, a great company to speak with is Fuhriman Insurance Agency. The team that works with Fuhriman Insurance Agency understands the value that this coverage provides. They also understand the personalization that needs to go into each plan. The team here can help you determine the type and level of life insurance that is right for you. They can then help you to build a policy that is ideal for your situation. 

How Commercial Insurance Can Protect Your Business

Anyone who operates a business wants to make sure they’re protected from the dangers that can come along with that role. One of the best ways to get that protection is through commercial insurance. This type of policy is designed to make sure your business has the coverage it needs if something should go wrong. Examples of that include employee or customer injury, faulty products, harassment, and other issues that could befall a company. If you’re in the Boise, ID area and have questions about this kind of insurance protection, the Fuhriman Insurance Agency can help.

You don’t have to keep an old policy you’ve had for a long time without any updating, or just choose a basic policy and hope it will be enough to keep your company safe. There are many options for the type and level of coverage you want and need for your company. From a customer falling in your lobby to an employee being injured in the course of their work, there are options for strong levels of protection. If your company does a lot of work online, the risk of cyber incidents also warrants protection from malicious people who may try to cause problems.

For anyone who has a business in the Boise, ID area and may need commercial insurance, there are options for help and information. Reach out to us at the Fuhriman Insurance Agency today, and let us give you the information you need about commercial coverage for your company. Then you can choose the right option for your needs, and make sure you’re covered both now and as your business continues to grow in the future. That adds a higher level of peace of mind and helps ensure you can continue working to build your company.

Should I get home insurance in Idaho?

In the Boise, ID area, one of the best long-term financial decisions that you can make would be to purchase a home. If you do decide to purchase a home in this area of Idaho, having insurance continues to be very important and a great way to protect your home and yourself. There are several reasons why having this coverage is important. 

Insurance Protects You and Your Home

The primary reason that anyone will need to get home insurance here is that it can protect you and your home. Your personal home is the most important asset that you will ever own. Not only is it a place to live, but it is a major investment. When you get home insurance, you can protect this asset. The home insurance plan is also going to provide some personal liability insurance coverage, which will be helpful if you are named in a liability claim due to an accident in your home.

Insurance is Required

You will also want to get this insurance because it is required for most property owners. If you have a mortgage out against your home, you need to comply with your lender’s insurance requirements. Most of the time this will include requiring you to carry a full home insurance plan that meets the standard set by the bank.

Anyone that is in the Boise, ID area and needs to get a home insurance plan should speak with Fuhriman Insurance Agency. There are a lot of important decisions that need to be made when it comes to home insurance. When you call Fuhriman Insurance Agency you can learn a lot about different insurance options that you have. The team can then help you build a policy that will properly protect your home. 

How much auto insurance are Idaho drivers required to carry?

Idaho drivers have state minimums they are required to maintain when it comes to auto insurance. These state minimums protect drivers as they navigate Idaho’s highways, roads, and streets. Failure to carry the state minimum auto insurance could result in fines and the loss of driving privileges, amongst other things. 

Idaho Trafic Laws
Idaho drivers should familiarize themselves with the laws associated with driving in the state. Idaho isn’t a no-fault state which means the state rules that govern driving are fault-based insurance laws. All individuals involved in a traffic accident can be held liable for an accident if they are found to be at fault. Also, hit and runs are felonies that carry a hefty fine and jail time if convicted. This is one of the many reasons why we are committed to educating Idaho drivers on what’s required to legally drive within the state.

State Requirements
The Fuhriman Insurance Agency of Boise, ID requires all Idaho drivers to carry liability coverage. Liability insurance can cover injuries, lost wages, and property damage caused to others in situations where you’ve been deemed “at fault” in an accident. Liability insurance takes care of any injuries and damage that may have occurred as a result of an accident that you were responsible for. If another driver or passenger(s) was injured, liability insurance will cover their medical care. Liability insurance also covers property damage as well. Lost wages and a whole host of other areas are covered under liability insurance.

State Minimums
Idaho state minimums for auto coverage include bodily injury coverage in the amount of $25,000 per person in an accident and $50,000 for everyone involved in a single accident. Idaho drivers must carry liability insurance to legally drive within the state. If you have any questions or concerns about liability coverage give us a call. We are committed to educating Idaho drivers and providing the best auto insurance options possible. 

Three types of auto insurance that you should have

One important consideration for any vehicle owner to take into account is auto insurance coverage. At Fuhriman Insurance Agency, we provide auto insurance coverage to motorists in Boise, ID.

The following are three types of auto insurance coverage that you should have.

Liability coverage

You are required to carry liability coverage to drive legally in Idaho and just about every other state. This type of coverage will pay for the costs of damages you cause to other drivers out on the roads. The liability coverage you carry needs to meet certain requirements, like including at least $25,000 in bodily injury coverage per individual per accident. 

Collision coverage

If you want damages to your own vehicle that you’re at fault to be covered, you need to invest in collision coverage. Liability coverage won’t cover you at all for damage to your own vehicle.

Without collision coverage, you’ll have to pay out of pocket for damage to your own vehicle unless another insured driver is deemed responsible. The costs of accident repairs can be enormous. In fact, your entire vehicle could be totaled in a severe accident. That’s why you need to have collision coverage on your auto insurance policy. 

Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage

The state of Idaho requires drivers to carry liability coverage. However, the unfortunate truth is that there are many drivers out there who don’t carry adequate coverage. If you have uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, you’ll enjoy coverage even if you’re involved in an accident for which an uninsured driver was at fault. 

If you’d like to learn more about meeting your auto insurance needs, we’re here to help at Fuhriman Insurance Agency. Get in touch with us by phone or online with any questions or inquiries you have regarding our auto insurance coverage options in Boise, ID. 

Three things you should know about pest control insurance

As the owner of a pest control business, you need to be insured for the unique financial risks that your industry entails. Investing in pest control insurance can help you to protect the financial stability of your business. At Fuhriman Insurance Agency, we offer pest control insurance in Boise, ID.

The following are three things you should know about pest control insurance.

Pest control insurance is uniquely designed to insure fumigators/exterminators.

A business owner needs to invest in a commercial insurance policy uniquely tailored to their particular industry. A pest control insurance policy is the best commercial insurance option for fumigator and exterminator companies. 

A pest control business is a unique type of business.

As the owner of a pest control business, you are aware of the fact that your business faces some unique risks.

Pest control companies need to apply pesticides to the properties of their clients. This can entail certain liability risks. Events like leaks, spills, or oversprays can lead to liability damages that can be very costly. That’s why pest control insurance is important. 

Pest control insurance offers a variety of coverages including liability, property, and workers compensation coverage.

Pest control insurance doesn’t necessarily just provide liability coverage for mistakes. A pest control insurance policy can also include coverage for a company’s own properties as well as worker’s compensation coverage. 

A pest control insurance policy is a commercial insurance policy that’s uniquely designed to meet the needs of companies offering fumigation and extermination services. 

Are you searching for the right pest control insurance policy in Boise, ID? We can help with that at Fuhriman Insurance Agency. Contact us to learn more about our pest control insurance policy offerings. 

Why should I get renters insurance in Idaho?

The Boise, ID area can be a great place to move to and live. If you are coming to this area, you should think about renting a home instead of buying. When you rent here, you will have more flexibility to move into a new home, which will give you more of a chance to explore the area. When you are going to rent a home here, you also need to get proper insurance. There are several reasons you should get a renters insurance policy here. 

Required By Landlord

One of the reasons to get renters insurance is that it is going to be a lease requirement. Landlords know that a renters insurance policy provides important coverage to a tenant, which indirectly benefits a landlord as well. Due to this, they will usually require that all tenants maintain insurance throughout the term of the lease. Most landlords will ask for evidence of insurance before the start of the lease term. 

Gives Valuable Protection

Another reason that you should get a renters insurance policy is that it can give you some very valuable protection. When you get a renters policy, it will give you coverage for all of your personal assets, which could be lost if you are a victim of theft or fire. Additionally, you are going to receive some liability coverage, which is helpful if there is an accident or other situation that results in property damage or injuries.

As you are looking for renters insurance in the Boise, ID area, it would be a good idea to call Fuhriman Insurance Agency. The team at the Fuhriman Insurance Agency can provide you with advice on how to get into a policy that will give you valuable coverage. This will also ensure you are in full lease compliance.