Why does my small business need commercial insurance

As a small business owner in Boise, ID, there are many things that may be on your mind. Whether or not you need commercial insurance may be one of the things you have been thinking about. At the Fuhriman Insurance Agency, we are always available to give you any advice that you may need before making such an important decision. Every business is unique and has its own set of needs. 

Your small business needs commercial insurance because things happen. Not all things that happen are good. Some of them can really impact your ability to do business. Things like a fire or a severe wind storm can damage the building where your business is located. If you don’t have commercial insurance how will you be able to repair the damages? In the event that something happens to your building, how will you be able to pay your employees or to replace the damaged inventory? How will you be able to have an income while your business is out of business? If your answer is I don’t know, the answer is you need to have commercial insurance. 

If someone visits your business location and is hurt or is hurt by one of your products and decides to file a suit against you how will be able to afford legal counsel or to pay any judgment against you?  Again this is where your small business benefits from commercial insurance. 

These are just a few of the reasons why you need commercial insurance for your small business. Why not give our knowledgeable agents at the Fuhriman Insurance Agency in Boise, ID a call or stop by our office and let us help you design a policy that meets all your particular needs. Our website can also supply some valuable information. We are always happy to give you a no-obligation quote. 

Why life insurance is important even if you are young and healthy

When is the right time in life to buy a life insurance policy? Most people think that life insurance is only something that older people, with families and children, have to carry. However, the Fuhriman Insurance Agency serving Boise, ID would like to inform you that a life insurance policy is a good thing to have at any age.

When you are young and starting out, chances are you feel so healthy that you are practically immortal. But the sad truth is that death can come for us all at any age, by accident or a sudden onset of a fatal disease.

Even if you are young and single, a life insurance policy can help with your final expenses and pay whatever debts you are carrying. The payout and the corresponding premiums do not have to be especially large.

The more you progress in life, the more life insurance becomes important. When you get married, start having children, and take on the responsibility of owning a home, a life insurance policy can not only help whatever loved ones you leave behind should you pass away, it will pay off even more debts that you have incurred.

Thinking about life insurance can be a difficult thing when you are young. It means that you have to acknowledge your own mortality, an unpleasant thing to contemplate. However, life insurance can also bring peace of mind. When you know your loved ones will be taken care of should you pass on at a young age, you will have one less thing to stress over.

For more questions about life insurance, feel free to contact the Fuhriman Insurance Agency, serving Boise, ID.


Want to drive a car? Learn more about your Idaho insurance requirements here.

Driving a car in Idaho is a necessity for a lot of people. When you are looking to drive a car, it is important that you know all of your requirements. People that are shopping for insurance in the Boise, ID area will have a variety of auto insurance requirements that may need to be met in order to stay in compliance.

Lender and Lessor Requirements

When you are shopping for auto insurance, it is important that you know what your requirements are with your lender. If you have taken out a loan or lease to get your car, you will need to have a full auto insurance policy. This will have to include collision and comprehensive coverage. When you have this type of coverage you will have protection against a wide variety of losses. The lender will require that you have this as long as the loan is outstanding. 

State Requirements

Similar to other states, Idaho will require that you have liability auto insurance whenever you are on the road. In Idaho, the requirements include having $50,000 in bodily injury coverage per incident and $25,000 per person. You will also need to have personal property liability insurance protection of at least $25,000. If you do not have this coverage, you will be in violation of state law and could face stiff penalties.

Once you are ready to start looking for your next auto insurance policy in Boise, ID, you should come to the Fuhriman Insurance Agency. The team at the Furhiman Insurance Agency can help you to better understand your auto insurance needs. They can then help you get into a policy that will provide you with the right level of coverage for your personal situation. 

What is Pest Control Insurance

Pest control is a lucrative business but it does take the right types of insurance in order for everyone involved to be safe and covered. Pest control insurance works to protect the exterminator and the people they serve. For those that live in the Boise, ID area, the agents with Fuhriman Insurance Agency can help you to find the right policy for your business.

So what is pest control insurance, this type of insurance is in place to help those that have a pest control business to cover things like their vehicle, their business, liability coverage and more all into one policy. This is going to make it easier and faster to get all your policies taken care of without having to have tons of different policies to cover their business.

This means that you can use one single policy to cover your pest control vehicle, your property insurance, your commercial insurance, and your liability insurance into one policy so that you can make sure your business is fully covered and that you do not need to get ten different policies. Pest control insurance is going to help you make sure your business and your customers are all protected and that you can go about your pest control duties without having to worry about coverage and about insurance.

For those that live in the Boise, ID area, the agents with Fuhriman Insurance Agency can help you find the policy that is going to work for you, for your business, and for your customers as well so that you can be sure that even if something does happen, everyone is protected and everyone is able to get their issues handled. Pest control insurance is essential and can make a huge deal of difference for any company.  

Items You Might Not Have Realized Toy Insurance Covers

The term toy insurance probably sounds misleading. Fuhriman Insurance Agency of Boise, ID is here to explain its meaning. It refers to policies that cover grown-up toys like RVs, jet skis, golf carts, and dune buggies.

Toy insurance, also known as recreational vehicle insurance, covers a plethora of items for both liability and physical damage. It is actually a category of insurance. The items covered include:

  • all-terrain vehicles (ATVs),
  • antique vehicles,
  • classic vehicles,
  • dune buggies,
  • motorhomes,
  • golf carts,
  • personal watercraft,
  • sailboats ( to 40’ and 200 horsepower),
  • snowmobiles,
  • trailer/campers,
  • watercraft (up to 26 feet).

You might notice that the category of the toy does not just cover land vehicles, but watercraft, too. This category is what small boat insurance falls under.

Unlike auto insurance, there are no state minimums. You do need insurance for these though, especially to cover liability. While you can pick up a golf cart or dune buggy for less than $4,000, the cost of medical care after an accident on one can be significantly greater. Accidents on ATVs and other recreational vehicles can cause more damage because most riders do not wear helmets, according to a study conducted at Memorial University. These accidents can result in serious head trauma and neck/spine injuries.

Fuhriman Insurance Agency of Boise, ID wants you to ride safer. Always wear a helmet when you ride an ATV or a life jacket when on your boat, and always carry toy insurance. The policy sounds fun, but it provides serious coverage you need. It pays your medical bills in case you’re in an accident on your toy, plus pays to replace it.

My business only has two employees besides myself. Does my company need workmen’s comp insurance?

Workmen’s Comp In Idaho

Your small business in Boise, ID is probably already protected by at least a couple of different kinds of insurance, like commercial property insurance and general liability. If you got your coverage through Fuhriman Insurance Agency, you hopefully spoke to your agent about any other kinds of protection your business might need.

One kind of policy many people don’t realize they need if they own a business with just a few employees is workmen’s compensation insurance. In Idaho, any business with at least one or more employees is required to have workmen’s comp insurance. This rule applies whether the workers are full-time or part-time, and there are very few exceptions.

Exceptions to the Workmen’s Comp Rule

Some of the exceptions have to do with whether your business is a sole proprietorship or partnership, or if your employees are family. Household domestic workers may also be excluded. 

Other exceptions include any workers you have who are already covered under federal workmen’s comp laws, real estate brokers, and agricultural pilots. Volunteer ski patrollers won’t need to be covered, or anyone who works casually in a position which isn’t really associated with regular business activities.

How Workmen’s Comp Helps Your Business 

Your employees are doubtless the greatest asset of your Boise, ID business. Carrying workmen’s compensation insurance means that if one of them gets sick or hurt at work, they can receive the treatment they need without worrying about the cost. They can relax knowing that if there is an accident, their medical bills and even lost wages can be compensated.

If you need to protect the employees at your small business, call Fuhriman Insurance Agency today so we can find a policy that suits your needs.

Protect Your Personal Assets with an Umbrella Insurance Policy

When people think about umbrella insurance policies they generally consider them something that only businesses need. However, if you are a high-net-worth person living in the greater Boise, ID area you may want to think again. Protecting your hard work and your family is possible when you add an umbrella insurance policy to your current suite of personal insurance products. It is typical for ID insurance policies to have a cap on the amount of coverage that they provide. In most cases that limit is $250,000. With this level of protection, the responsibility for liability or damages above that amount may fall to you personally. The team at Fuhriman Insurance Agency is here to guide you through the umbrella insurance policy process.

How umbrella insurance can protect you and your family

When your assets are such that you may become a target for unscrupulous people, or you have belongings that require a high level of protection, umbrella insurance can help meet those needs. Liability can often be excessive in our litigious society, and leaving yourself at the mercy of the courts can end in heartbreak and disaster. With a comprehensive personal insurance bundle that includes umbrella insurance, you can make sure that your hard work and assets are protected. Don’t leave your family open to personal liability in the event that your primary policy limits are exceeded due to loss, damage, or liability. Make sure that you have the appropriate level of personal insurance protection that can help you weather the toughest of storms.

Interested in learning more about the umbrella insurance policy options that are available in the greater Boise, ID area? Contact Fuhriman Insurance Agency today and set up a consultation to find out more from our team of professionals!

Does Renter’s Insurance Cover Damage To Other Units If You Are Liable?

Renter’s insurance is a product designed to help protect people from losses outlined in the policy such as fire or theft. Most people who rent a space to live in or store their personal items know that renter’s insurance is highly recommended to protect from losses, but does that mean that it covers damage to other units? 

Renter’s Insurance Coverage

Renter’s insurance can cover policyholders in a variety of different ways. Typically, a renter’s insurance policy will also cover damage to units surrounding the one used by the policyholder. This is a great way to provide a layer of protection from potential disastrous losses. Always make sure that an agent carefully explains the terms and conditions to help discover how much protection a policy is able to offer. Considering a few different options may be wise because not all renter’s insurance works the same. 

Work With An Established Agency

When working with an insurance agency, you want to make sure that they are established and have customer services oriented agents who can work closely with clients to help them discover options that work best for them. Anyone who is renting in or around the Boise, ID area is encouraged to check out Fuhriman Insurance Agency and let their helpful agents provide sensible options designed to offer the maximum amount of protection. 

When considering renter’s insurance, it is important to know what options are available by having access to professional agents with experience. Resident in and around Boise, ID should call or stop by Fuhriman Insurance Agency to speak with an agent for more details.  


Tips for Life Insurance with a Pre-Existing Condition

If you have a medical condition and live in the Boise, ID area, you may want to connect with the Fuhriman Insurance Agency to discuss how to get life insurance.  While a pre-existing condition doesn’t mean you’ll be denied life insurance, it can delay the application process and create obstacles.  Review these helpful tips to reduce the time it takes you and your agent to find the best insurance policy to fit your needs.

  • Do your research to gather all information on your condition, which needs to include your medical records with current and past treatment, lab results, and medical visit notes.
  • If your health has improved significantly or if you’ve changed your lifestyle to live healthier, have your physician write a letter describing the improvements.
  • Be completely open and honest with your agent about your condition.  Remember that the agent is on your side and there to help you find the best life insurance to fit your needs.
  • If you have not had a recent medical exam, get one because life insurance companies can give you a better rate the more they know about your condition.
  • Communicate with your physician to make sure when the insurance company attempts to reach the provider that they are accurate and timely with their response, so the process is not delayed.
  • Work with an agent to choose the best insurance policy type because there may be some limitations that will depend on your condition. 

Fuhriman Insurance Agency

Life insurance policies can be confusing and frustrating if you have a pre-existing medical condition.  You don’t need to go it alone because there is expert help for you.  If you’re looking for an agent in the Boise, ID area, contact an experienced and trusted Fuhriman agent today.

Commercial Insurance for Self-Employed and Home Offices

Starting a business as a self-employed person is a common way for people to transition from being an employee of others to becoming their own boss. The Small Business Association (SBA) reports that there are over 30 million small businesses in the United States and they employ almost 60 million people. The first employee for a small business may be the self-employed person who starts the business and wants to save money by having a home office.

The advantages of using part of your home for a home office include not having to pay rent for separate office space and the ability to deduct from your taxes a part of the home expenses for the portion of the home used as office space.

Home Office Insurance

If you are starting a business as a self-employed person and using a home office, it is important to consult with your agent at the Fuhriman Insurance Agency, serving Boise ID and the surrounding area, to get commercial insurance. Any use of part of a home for business means you need the protection of commercial insurance. Do not make the mistake of assuming your home insurance coverage will provide protection because most home insurance policies have exclusions if part of the home is used for business purposes. Talk with your agent to be sure your insurance coverage is adequate.

Professional Insurance

Another type of commercial insurance you may need depends on the type of work you will be doing. Some professions require a state license and need to have professional insurance coverage, which may also be called malpractice insurance or errors and omissions insurance. Examples are personal care professions, such as hair care, skin care, and nail salons. Other professions that need this insurance include general contractors, health care practitioners, attorneys, and those offering financial services such as accountants, real estate agents, stock brokers, and financial advisors.

Commercial Insurance for Vehicles

Also, be aware that you need to have commercial insurance for a vehicle if it is used part or full time for business purposes.

To be sure your insurance coverage is adequate contact your agent at the Fuhriman Insurance Agency in Boise, ID to get a free insurance review.