Will my insurance policy protect my collection in the event of a theft? What if the theft occurred outside the house?

The older you get, the more expensive your toys get sometimes. You may have a more discretional income to live out your dreams and have the things you’ve always wanted. If you have a toy or toy collection in Boise, ID, you know that you need to protect your toys from any kind of losses. While you may expect damage that occurs from accidents, you also need protection from theft. Due to their nature, your toys present attractive targets to potential thieves.

While not everyone understands the importance of toys for grown-ups, we at Fuhriman Insurance Agency understand how important it is to have your toys for fun and relaxation. ATVs, speedboats and other kinds of grown-up toys. You need to know your insurance policy will cover you in case of loss after you have made the investment.

The bottom line will always be what your contract states. You can obtain a special insurance policy to cover your toys or add on to your other insurance policies. Your insurance will cover theft up to your policy limits, so you need to discuss with your insurance agent how losses are calculated. 

Your losses will also be covered even if you were not at home or on your own property. Whether the theft occurred during transport or use, you will be reimbursed for acts of theft.

If your current coverage isn’t adequate for your needs, or if you want to explore your options and possibly find a new policy entirely, contact Fuhriman Insurance Agency today. Serving Boise, ID, we will be happy to help you explore all your options.

Do I need special coverage for anything that happens as a result of my bar serving alcohol to someone?

When a business in Boise, ID wants to serve alcohol, it must apply for a special permit from the State.All businesses serving alcohol need this permit, whether alcohol is served on the side with meals or is the main part of what happens there.  Businesses are also expected to behave ethically and responsible when dealing with alcohol, such as not continuing to sell alcohol to customers who are already intoxicated.

There have been some cases where intoxicated customers left a bar and were involved in automobile crashes. Sometimes, intoxicated customers have accidents or even get into fights and hurt people or damage property. These damages can range from small, like broken glasses, to fatal crashes with very large damages. If your business is not protected, you may end up needing to pay for those damages out of pocket.

Most businesses that sell alcohol have strict policies and provide training to all employees to make sure those policies are carried out. However, sometimes accidents happen even if you do everything you can to prevent them.

At Fuhriman Insurance Agency, we can help you find the insurance policy to best protect your business if you serve alcohol. Those kinds of damages are generally not covered under any other insurance policies, like property insurance or general liability policies. That is because alcohol can provide a greater possibility of risky behavior that leads to damages.

However, if you already have one of those other policies at Fuhriman Insurance Agency, you can probably add a Liquor Liability clause or policy for an additional premium. If you have a business in Boise, ID that serves alcohol, don’t wait to protect yourself. Call today for all your options.

Occupational Diseases Covered by Workers Compensation Insurance

Obvious examples of injuries sustained at work include abrasions, bruises, and broken bones. Workers compensation insurance covers such work-related injuries, but they are not the only injuries that are meant to be covered by this policy. Fuhriman Insurance agency offers a wide range of workers compensation insurance options in Boise, ID and the surrounding areas.

Occupational diseases tend to be rare as compared to physical injuries, but they do occur. As a business owner, you will want to have a compensation policy that covers your personnel and ensures that your business is protected from losses resulting from lawsuits. It is vital to understand that occupational diseases are not the commonly occurring conditions like flu or cold.

The cold and flu are viruses that employees can easily come into contact with at home or in the workplace. An occupational disease is a malady that the employee acquires after they have been exposed to conditions at their places of work. They include:

  • Hepatitis that may be acquired by lab techs
  • Tuberculosis that may be acquired by a nurse attending to patients
  • Contact dermatitis that may be acquired from dishwashers
  • Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis

For a condition to be considered an occupational disease, there must be an existing link between the disease you’ve contracted and the type of job you perform.

Many small business owners do not have to deal with the worry of occupational diseases. But if the company often deals with chemicals that are dangerous or noxious, it may be essential to have a good worker’s compensation insurance policy.

If you’re living in Boise, ID, you can call any of our agents at Fuhriman Insurance Agency for more information on occupational diseases that are covered by worker’s compensation insurance. You are also free to visit any of our offices for a more detailed consultation.


Important Things to Note about Bar & Restaurant Insurance

Owning a bar or restaurant can be very rewarding. These are not only places where people come to take meals, drinks and watch games but also they are places where most of the best memories with families and friends are made.

You may realize that when clients pick the best place to be spending their weekends or holidays, they will stick to it. The best way to appreciate their loyalty is by ensuring that they are protected, and they can feel safe while in your bar or restaurant in Boise, ID.

Fuhriman Insurance Agency provides bar & restaurant owners with numerous policies and also we can assist you to select the best coverage that suits you. Before buying a bar & restaurant insurance policy, there are several things you need to know which include;

The basic policies

Bar & restaurant insurance comes with numerous basic policies, and you will need to choose the one that suits your specific needs.These policies are similar to commercial insurance coverage which includes;

Property coverage – This is to protect the things and inventories that your business own.

Liability – The policy protects your customers and helps you pay for the damages that may occur to them when they are on your business premises.

Workers compensation – It caters for medical benefits and wage replacement if an employee is hurt in the workplace.

Commercial auto insurance – If your business owns vehicles, the coverage is meant to ensure that they are protected.

Things affecting your insurance needs

The type and the premiums you need for your bar & restaurant insurance depends on various factors which include; location, lease requirement, losses history, hours of operation, property type and volume just to mention a few. You should note that if your bar or restaurant leases its space, there are specific insurance requirements expected to meet the lease without violation.

To learn more about bar & restaurant insurance in Boise ID, contact Fuhriman Insurance Agency today. We will help you learn more so that you can make a sound decision before settling on a policy.

Who Needs Workers Compensation Insurance

Owning a business is a dream for many people. When you do own a business, there are many things that you need to take into consideration that you may not have thought about. For those in the Boise, ID area, one thing could be the need for workers compensation. There are several situations in which you will need to have a worker’s compensation policy.

Business with Employees

Workers compensation insurance is a requirement by law in almost every state in the United States. In the state of Idaho, all businesses that have one or more employee is required by law to carry workers compensation insurance. In fact, you are required to have the full policy in effect before your first employee even starts working for you.  

Contract Employees

Even if a business does not necessarily have direct employees, they still may be required to have Workers Compensation Insurance if they have employees hired on a contract or temporary basis. All employees will need to be covered.  If you have received the employees from a temporary placement or contract-consulting agency, they may be covered under the other company policy.  In these situations, you may not need to pay for the insurance, but it is important that you confirm that all employees are covered.  

Volunteers or Interns

Many businesses also receive seasonal help from volunteers or interns that are looking to gain experience. While these employees may not receive any form of compensation or other benefits, you are still taking on risk when they are at your place of business. Because of this, you will need to have a worker’s compensation policy in place to cover them, unless they are covered by a different program.

For businesses in the Boise, ID area that are trying to figure out their insurance needs, working with Fuhriman Insurance Agency could be a great option.  Fuhriman Insurance Agency will help you better understand your requirements and help you get a sufficient policy.  

Young and Single – Why Life Insurance Now?

There is an interesting aspect of life insurance coverage in Boise, ID that many people don’t take advantage of when they can. Buying a policy when young and healthy is always going to be far less costly then when older. It’s based on a very simple principle that, according to the Fuhriman Insurance Agency, risk goes up the older one gets. So, a 40-year-old buying a term life policy is never going to be able to get the same coverage pricing as a 21-year-old. However, many folks think they should only be considering life insurance once they are seriously involved or married or raising kids; the logic is stuck on the idea someone already has to be around aside from the insured to make the policy worthwhile. In fact, by purchasing a policy when young, a customer locks in one of the best coverage pricing points possible. And since term life insurance can be maintained on single term policies for up to 30 years at a time, it starts to make real sense when one does the numbers with a lower price point versus starting later at a higher premium price level when older. And this same benefit applies on life insurance whether a customer is in Boise, ID or anywhere else in the U.S.

So if you’re thinking there’s no real reason for you to have life insurance because of being single and young, think again. Securing a policy now through a reputable insurance broker like the folks at Fuhriman Insurance Agency could provide a huge cost advantage versus later on when risks are naturally higher. Don’t get caught up in mistaken assumptions. Call the Fuhriman Insurance Agency staff to day to find out what a simple term life policy can do for you in the long term.


What Does Life Insurance Really Cover?

Life insurance may be one of those topics many people avoid. However, it can provide great peace of mind when an individual considers the needs of their family members. The beauty of a life insurance policy is that an individual can arrange it to meet the specific needs they feel require special attention. Are there minor children to think of? What about debt resolution? Is there a desire for a charitable donation? At Fuhriman Insurance Agency in the Boise, ID area we can help you make these decisions by providing information and life insurance policies that meet the needs of both you and your family. You’ll feel better just having the knowledge you need. From there you can make your choices and know that you’ve prepared your family for any eventuality. If you already have life insurance, it also pays to review it regularly. Term or universal policies may not keep up with the changes in your life. Come see us today and we’ll help you work it all out.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • Is my life insurance policy up to date?
  • Does it reflect the needs of my growing family?
  • Does it reflect changes due to divorce as well?
  • Are my debts like retail debt, mortgage, and medical bills accounted for, and would my policy cover these?
  • Have I moved or changed work places?
  • Have I already made final arrangements, or is this an expense my family will have to consider?
  • Do I want term or universal life insurance?
  • What other arrangements can I make with my life insurance policy?

We’re pleased to serve the Boise, ID area and our agents at Fuhriman Insurance Agency have the resources to assist you in updating your policy. Call or visit today.

Should I Update My Toy Insurance If I Add Parts or Update My RV?

If your RV is totaled or stolen, your insurance policy should pay out the current value of your RV. However, if you have added parts or updated the RV, the insurance company may not know the right value of the RV. As such, one of the questions that we at Fuhriman Insurance Agency, serving the greater Boise, ID area, are often asked, is whether someone should update their toy insurance policy if they add parts or renovate an RV, and if so, how should they do that. Here is some information you need to know. 

If you have renovated your current RV or have added on parts that have increased the value, you will want to call your insurance company. If you added on parts, you may need to add those parts to the policy to ensure they are covered. If they are not added to the policy, they may not be covered against theft or damage. If you have updated or renovated your RV, an appraiser may need to inspect your RV and assess its new value. Either way, the insurance company will let you know what you need to do to get these items covered and ensure your RV and all of its parts, are fully covered under your insurance policy. 

If your current toy insurance policy needs to be updated, or you are in the market for a new one in the greater Boise, ID area, contact the Fuhriman Insurance Agency. We can help you put together a policy that best protects all of your toys and RV. Call us today to get started. 

Bar fights and your insurance needs

Bar fights and insurance needs probably aren’t the first topics a new bar or restaurant owner think of, but preparation remains vital to business success. No bar or restaurant owner wants to think about a fight breaking out, but drama occurs in even the finest establishments. Proper insurance preparation is key. Every owner needs to understand the legal doctrine of premises liability and obtain premises liability insurance.

Premises Liability

The law considers bar patrons and restaurant goers "invitees." Invitees have the right to remain safe from harm or injury while on the premises. Premises includes the parking lot, alleys, and land on which the establishment sits. The owner "must do everything reasonably possible" to keep patrons safe. Inviting children onto the premises increases the burden of "adequate warning" and protection. Hiring security or bouncers comes under this. If a fight breaks out and a court finds for the patron, the cost to the bar or restaurant can be great. Carrying proper insurance protects the establishment.

No-fault Premises Liability Insurance

Many establishments purchase no-fault premises liability insurance. This insurance pays injury claims of patrons regardless of who was at fault. It does not cover pain and suffering, however. The insurance covers other incident types, as well, like falls and fires. This is a separate policy from the business insurance policy. Carrying this policy helps the business avoid lawsuits by paying for the patron’s injuries regardless of fault.

Boise, ID’s Fuhriman Insurance Agency can help you understand the special insurance needs of a bar or restaurant. We’ll help you determine the policies you need and appropriate coverage amounts for your establishment.You can avoid potential lawsuits through proper insurance. In Boise, ID, Fuhriman Insurance Agency wants to help you keep your business safe and growing.

Your Car: Is It Covered By Renter’s Insurance?

At Fuhriman Insurance Agency, we have seen just about every kind of problem that could affect a homeowner. One that is sadly common is losing a rented home through a fire, including the vehicles parked in the garage. Will your Boise, ID renter’s insurance policy cover your car?

Sadly, Your Car Is Not Covered

Renter’s insurance will not cover vehicles or cars that are damaged as a result of any circumstance. In fact, most policies will expressly state that they do not cover this kind of damage. While this can be a frustrating situation, it is understandable. It would cost the company too much to pay for your car repairs.

There is one instance, however, in which renter’s insurance may cover your car damage. That is if your car is used to service the residence, rather than being used on the road. This situation can be confusing to understand, though, so it is vital to discuss how it works.

When Renter’s Insurance Covers Your Car

As mentioned above, renter’s insurance will cover your car’s physical damage if the vehicle is used to service the home. This means that the vehicle is used only on the property and to service it. For example, if you live on a piece of rented property and you own a truck that you use to do farm work, then it is likely to be covered by renter’s insurance.

The tricky part of this is that your vehicle cannot be used for any roadworthy purposes. In fact, it can’t even be registered to drive on the road at all. In this instance, your vehicle is considered part of the property and is covered. Otherwise, renter’s insurance does not cover your vehicle.

Covering Your Vehicle And Home

Don’t hesitate to contact us at Fuhriman Insurance Agency today if you live in Boise, ID or in the surrounding area. We will provide you with the high-quality help you need to protect your vehicle and your rented home from serious damage.