Why You Need Pest Control Insurance

Pest control insurance offers pest control professionals and exterminators a viable option of insurance coverage against the risks, hazards, and liabilities inherent in the pest control business. If you are a business owner in the greater Boise, ID area, the professionals at Fuhriman Insurance Agency can help customize pest control insurance to ensure your business remains protected.

While your pest control business keeps unhealthy critters out of people’s homes & lives, your business requires similar protection to keep it financially and legally healthy.

The pest control business creates a variety of risks through the everyday use of equipment, chemicals, and human error. A pest control policy can offer protection to commercial and resident customers.

Pest control company owners and exterminators typically worry about these potential liabilities as they may be costly without proper insurance in place –

  • Overlooking termite damage
  • Misapplying chemicals
  • Erroneously damaging a client’s property, to name a few.

The pest control insurance policies offered by Fuhriman Insurance Agency can provide coverage tailored to your company’s specific needs. Fuhriman Insurance Agency is licensed to write pest insurance coverage in 15 states.

Who Needs Pest Control Insurance Coverage?

  • Exterminators
  • Wildlife Control Workers
  • Fumigators
  • Mosquito Control Specialists
  • Lawn & Garden Pest Control Specialists

How Much Does Pest Control Insurance Cost?

The cost of pest control insurance will vary and be based primarily on these factors –

  • The Business’s Location.
  • The Type of Pest Control Services Offered by The Company.
  • The Number of Employees in the Company.
  • The Pest Control Owner’s Choice of Insurance Limits and/or Deductibles.

If you live or work across the greater Boise, ID area and would like to speak with an insurance professional at Fuhriman Insurance Agency about pest control insurance, give us a call today.

Types of Toys Needing Insurance

When it comes to outdoor enjoyment, you may have some recreational toys sitting in your garage waiting for the weekend. It does not matter what your favorite outdoor toy is; chances are you want to get insurance coverage to protect you against anything that can happen. Many recreational toys need insurance in Boise, ID, and those needing insurance should call Fuhriman Insurance Agency today to discuss their options. 

Boats and Jet Skis

Watercraft insurance helps protect you against any accidents or damage caused to your boat. Additionally, this coverage protects you financially if you are found liable for an accident. Protecting your boat and jet skis is a good idea to help ensure you can enjoy your time out on the water. 


An all-terrain vehicle (ATV) provides hours of outdoor enjoyment, especially in the summer months. An ATV insurance policy is suitable for a year and often factors in seasonal usage. Anyone who drives the ATV must have a valid driver’s license to qualify for insurance coverage. 

Campers and Trailers

Standard auto insurance policies do not typically cover Non-motorized campers or utility trailers. Therefore, you may need to purchase additional coverage for these items to ensure they are protected in the event of an accident or theft. 

Golf Carts

Golf carts typically do not require insurance coverage when used to drive around your property. However, if you drive your golf cart on the road, you will need insurance. Having insurance for your golf card, regardless of what you use it for, is an excellent idea to help pay for damage and injury in the event of an accident. 

Motorcycles and Scooters

Motorcycle insurance provides riders insurance specific to their riding needs. Additionally, you should purchase insurance for a scooter, regardless of if it is required by law or not. 

Insuring your outdoor toys in Boise, ID is vital to ensure everything is covered and protected. For additional information about recreational insurance, call Fuhriman Insurance Agency today. 

How Workers’ Compensation Insurance Benefits Your Business

If you have a business that has any number of employees, it’s important that you have workers’ compensation insurance for your employees. This coverage is important to have for your employees. It pays for their medical bills and other costs that your employees could face if they became injured at work or got a covered disease there. If you have employees and need this coverage for them, give us a call now at Fuhriman Insurance Agency in Boise ID to find out more.

Protection for Your Business

When you have this type of coverage, it doesn’t just benefit the employees that it affects. It also benefits your business. The coverage makes money available for the medical bills for injured and sick employees. This means that your business doesn’t have to come up with that money, and it can be a considerable a, amount. Medical bills add up quickly, and they can be difficult for a small business to cover. It also pays for the lost wages they have if they are unable to work after an accident or developing an illness. This is more money than your company saves after an incident. With this coverage, there is no need for an employee to sue your company after an accident. 

Staying Compliant

Another benefit for your business is that it keeps you compliant with the law. If your business doesn’t have this coverage, you could face a number of fees and fines. Keeping this coverage keeps you compliant with the law so that there are no surprise fines leveed. 

Get Your Workers’ Compensation Insurance

If you don’t yet have the workers’ comp coverage you need for your employees, give us a call right away at Fuhriman Insurance Agency in Boise, ID to get this valuable insurance. It can benefit your business greatly to have this coverage in place. 

Unique Renters Insurance Facts To Consider

Fuhriman Insurance Agency serves the Boise, ID community. We strive to help our clients find policies that will protect their assets. We understand that each of our clients has a unique situation. That’s why we offer flexible policies. We look forward to helping you find the coverage you need. We are an independent agency.

Unique Renters Insurance Facts To Consider

More rental properties are developed across Boise, ID every year. Many residents recognize the benefits of staying in the city. If you plan to move into a rental property in the area, you need renters insurance. Renters insurance protects your personal belongings if they are damaged or stolen. Here is a look at some other unique renter’s insurance facts.

Your Landlord Is Only Responsible For The Structure

Your landlord is responsible for any damage to the interior of the unit. However, you will still need renters insurance to protect your personal items.

Liability Coverage

Liability coverage is important if you plan to have a lot of guests over to your rental property. You will be protected if one of your guests gets injured. You also have to plan for emergencies such as an accidental fire. Renters insurance covers you if you accidentally cause damage to someone else’s property.

Natural Disasters

Your renter’s insurance policy does not cover your unit if a natural disaster moves through the area. You can add custom coverage to your policy to protect you if a flood or earthquake occurs and damages your property.


It’s a good idea to take inventory of your personal items. This can help you figure out the true value of your assets if they are stolen or damaged.

Fuhriman Insurance Agency Will Help You Stay Covered

Visit our website to learn more information about renters insurance.

What Umbrella Insurance Won’t Cover

As with any insurance policy, some things are not covered by an umbrella insurance policy. However, umbrella coverage offers Boise, ID residents additional coverage not found in standard auto and homeowners insurance policies. However, even umbrella insurance does not cover everything. Speak with the experts at Fuhriman Insurance Agency to learn more about your coverage under umbrella insurance. 

What Is Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance helps offer extra liability protection for your existing auto, homeowners, or other insurance coverage. Umbrella insurance is not a standalone policy; it is a supplemental policy. These additional insurance policies only apply to liability coverage and do not cover everything that a standard policy does. 

What Is Not Covered By Umbrella Insurance?

There are several things an umbrella insurance policy does not cover. Some of those items include: 

  • Your injuries
  • Damage to your belongings
  • Intentional acts
  • Criminal acts
  • Property damage and injuries in certain circumstances (including uncovered dog breed or uncovered recreational vehicles)
  • Other people’s injuries or damage your business is liable for
  • Other exclusions listed in the policy

What Does Umbrella Insurance Cover? 

Though there are exclusions, having umbrella insurance is very beneficial in protecting you against liability claims. Umbrella insurance provides coverage to pay for the costs of damages to another person’s body and damage to another person’s property. Additionally, umbrella insurance covers personal claims against you, such as libel, slander, unlawful detention, mental anguish, and malicious persecution. 

How Much Does Umbrella Insurance Cost? 

The cost for umbrella insurance varies depending upon the coverage needed. On average, umbrella insurance costs between $200 and $300 per year (sometimes more). However, lower premiums do result in higher deductibles, which is something to consider when shopping for umbrella insurance. 

Having umbrella insurance protects you against any liability incurred. The experts at Fuhriman Insurance Agency understand the need for Boise, ID residents to customize their insurance policy and add umbrella insurance coverage. 

Common Myths About Life Insurance You Should Know

Life insurance is an overcomplicated and sensitive topic as it involves talking about death, leaving your loved ones behind and money. All these are critical areas of life that require proper planning and sober decision-making. That’s why many people in Boise, ID prefer to skip it. However, to understand your needs, you need to be well-versed with life insurance policy types. At Fuhriman Insurance Agency, we recommend learning your needs before buying the policy. To get you started, here are the common myths we thought you should know.

You don’t need life insurance when young

In fact, it’s the exact opposite. Young people have many advantages when they buy life insurance at a young age. It is also true that they need life insurance more than seniors. Remember, as a young person, you still have critical decisions to make, such as getting married, buying a home, or starting a business.

It is too expensive

Millennials in Boise, ID tend to skip life insurance because they overestimate the cost. However, life insurance is cheapest when you are young, strong, and healthy. You can lock in low rates that will remain that way up to the agreed duration. Term life insurance is cheaper and allows you to carry the policy for the amount of time you like.

If you have a condition, you’re not eligible

Just because insurance providers use health and age to determine insurance rates doesn’t mean you cannot buy insurance if you’re diagnosed with a condition. In contrast, some policies are specifically designed for specific health conditions like cancer and diabetes. You can also opt for simplified life insurance that doesn’t require a medical exam.

Let us help you

There is so much you can learn about life insurance, but the most important lesson is that you need it to protect your loved ones financially. If you need more information or help to buy the policy, contact Fuhriman Insurance Agency, and we will be happy to help.

Does Commercial Insurance Cover Errors and Omissions?

Dealing with a pest invasion either at home or office is a hectic and troublesome experience. When faced with such menace, contacting a professional exterminator is the way to go. Pest control is critical in keeping pest nuisance away. As much as control measures are vital, some risks come into account. Fuhriman Insurance Agency in Boise, ID, is your trusted partner in coverage services.

Why Is Insurance Necessary?

Pest control insurance is not a mandatory requirement. However, once your pest control company gets insured, you enjoy peace of mind knowing that your Agency covers your operations. Additionally, commercial insurance makes a business more marketable to current and potential customers.

Professional pest exterminators need insurance companies to protect their businesses from unexpected incidences. They include termite damages, misapplication of chemicals, destruction of client’s property during practice, injury to workers, and chemical spills. Overlooking the occurrences result in pest companies paying for damages from their pockets if they lack proper insurance.

Insurance Covers for Pest Control Companies

General Liability

The insurance policy protects pest control companies in the event of unforeseen claims and lawsuits. For example, client injury caused by equipment left by a company employee could result in possible prosecution. Thankfully, having a liability cover insurance package takes care of any medical and legal costing undertaken. General liability insurance also covers property damage that results from the pest extermination exercise.

Employee Insurance

It is a requirement to cover both part-time and full-time employees. The insurance package covers medical bills for injuries or illnesses acquired in the workplace. Employees constantly deal with hazardous chemicals, risky to their health, thus making the cover vital.

Commercial Auto Insurance

All business vehicles must have insurance cover. It protects the driver and the car in case of an accident. A pest control company should not put its employees and vehicles at risk thus should have valuable commercial vehicle insurance.

If you are in Boise, ID, contact Fuhriman Insurance Agency today to purchase a pest control cover.

Is Pest Control Insurance Required in Boise ID?

When pests are wreaking havoc on your home or office, calling professional exterminators is your best line of defense. Pest control companies are very critical in keeping pesky critters out of people’s lives. However, even as you strive to keep people’s premises pest-free, there is a fair share of risks involved. To this end, you need pest control insurance from Fuhriman Insurance Agency of Boise, ID to protect your business.

Is pest control insurance required in Idaho?

While you aren’t legally required to buy some aspects of pest control insurance, you will thank the insurance gods you had comprehensive commercial insurance when the unthinkable happens. 

Common commercial insurance coverages specific to pest control companies

If you are a professional exterminator, having the right commercial insurance can protect your business from sliding into a financial hole. Additionally, having commercial insurance makes your business marketable as customers view you as a reputable business. 

Here are the common business insurance coverages common for pest control companies:

General liability insurance

This coverage isn’t legally required but can save your business thousands of dollars if you are sued. Besides, many customers will demand this insurance before they hire your services. Here is how commercial general liability insurance protects your business.

  • Bodily injury: If a client trips and sustains injuries due to equipment you left at their premises, they could sue you for negligence. Thankfully, if you have liability coverage, it covers medical costs and legal costs.
  • Property damage: Assume your employee accidentally spills chemicals on your client’s electronics and damages them. As a result, general liability insurance should cover the property damages. 

Workers’ comp insurance

Whether you have part-time or full-time employees, you need workers’ comp insurance in Idaho. It covers employees’ medical costs for general illnesses and injuries suffered in the workplace. This coverage is even more critical in pest control companies, given that employees are constantly interacting with dangerous chemicals that could be detrimental to their health.

Commercial auto insurance

It’s mandatory in Idaho State for all business vehicles to have commercial auto insurance. This coverage protects your driver and vehicle when involved in an accident.

If you are a pest control company, don’t put your business and employees at risk by not carrying commercial insurance. If you are in Boise, ID, and its environs, please contact Fuhriman Insurance to purchase pest control insurance.

Auto insurance FAQs

If you are new to buying auto insurance, or you are just ready for a change of carrier or agency, there may be a lot of questions that come to mind. Having an insurance agent who has lots of answers makes the process much easier. If you are in or near Boise, ID, Fuhriman Insurance Agency can provide the answer you need. We realize that our customers are our most precious asset and our goal is to provide the best insurance products at the most reasonable price. 

How much auto insurance do I need to have?

In Idaho, liability insurance is required by law. The mandated coverage amount is 25/50/15. If you have an auto loan, you will be required to carry collision and comprehensive insurance. 

What deductible should I have?

The deductible is the amount you will need to pay out of pocket before your auto insurance covers repairs on your vehicle. You should choose an amount that won’t be difficult for you to pay. 

Do I need full glass coverage?

If you have ever taken a stone to your windshield you know the answer to this question. It is a very minimal premium, and it provides great service. 

What is comprehensive insurance cover?

Comprehensive insurance covers damages to your vehicle that are beyond your control. If your car is stolen or vandalized that will be covered. If hail damages your paint or a limb is blown onto your vehicle, that is covered. If a deer runs into your car, that is covered. 

Do I need to have collision insurance?

If you are in an accident where you are at fault collision insurance will pay to have your vehicle repaired after you pay the deductible. If you need your vehicle, you need collision coverage. 

In Boise, ID contact Fuhriman Insurance Agency for all your auto insurance needs. 

Why should I get toy insurance in Idaho?

In the Boise, ID area, those that enjoy being outdoors and active will find that there are a lot of great places to use a recreational toy. If you are going to have one in this area, you should make sure that you have the right insurance coverage for it. There are several reasons why you should get a toy insurance plan for your vehicle in this area of Idaho.

Insurance Protects Asset

A key reason that you should get a recreational plan is that it can protect your asset. If you are going to buy one of these assets, you will have to spend money to buy and maintain it. Along with this investment, you will want to know that you can enjoy the asset for a long time. With a toy insurance plan, you will have the coverage needed to replace or fix it if there is an incident of theft or damage.

Insurance Mitigates Liability Concern

You should also consider getting a toy insurance plan in this area of Idaho as it will give liability protection. There will always be a risk that you could cause an accident when using your recreational toy. If this happens, you may need to spend a lot of money making repairs to the other party’s assets. With liability coverage, you can receive financial protection for this risk. 

As you are looking to protect your recreational toy in the Boise, ID area, it would be helpful to call the team with the Fuhriman Insurance Agency. When you speak with the Fuhriman Insurance Agency you can learn a lot about this type of insurance coverage. They can give all support that you need to have your questions answered and pick a plan that will adequately protect you and your recreational toy.