If you have a medical condition and live in the Boise, ID area, you may want to connect with the Fuhriman Insurance Agency to discuss how to get life insurance. While a pre-existing condition doesn’t mean you’ll be denied life insurance, it can delay the application process and create obstacles. Review these helpful tips to reduce the time it takes you and your agent to find the best insurance policy to fit your needs.
- Do your research to gather all information on your condition, which needs to include your medical records with current and past treatment, lab results, and medical visit notes.
- If your health has improved significantly or if you’ve changed your lifestyle to live healthier, have your physician write a letter describing the improvements.
- Be completely open and honest with your agent about your condition. Remember that the agent is on your side and there to help you find the best life insurance to fit your needs.
- If you have not had a recent medical exam, get one because life insurance companies can give you a better rate the more they know about your condition.
- Communicate with your physician to make sure when the insurance company attempts to reach the provider that they are accurate and timely with their response, so the process is not delayed.
- Work with an agent to choose the best insurance policy type because there may be some limitations that will depend on your condition.
Fuhriman Insurance Agency
Life insurance policies can be confusing and frustrating if you have a pre-existing medical condition. You don’t need to go it alone because there is expert help for you. If you’re looking for an agent in the Boise, ID area, contact an experienced and trusted Fuhriman agent today.