What are the Advantages of Umbrella Insurance For Seniors?

Most seniors want to pursue their interests and not worry about money. Yet, despite having the typical combination of home and auto insurance coverage, many leave themselves exposed by not carrying an umbrella insurance policy. So, we’ll review how umbrella insurance can be especially valuable for protecting seniors. After reading this article, consider contacting Fuhriman Insurance Agency, serving Boise, ID, to discuss including umbrella insurance in your insurance plan.

How Umbrella Insurance Helps Seniors

If you have reached retirement age, you know that accidents happen, and we use insurance to protect ourselves against the unexpected. You use your auto and home insurance policies to cover your liability for home or auto accidents for which you bear responsibility.

Your home and auto policy limits are high enough to cover your liability in most accidents. However, when your liability exceeds your policy limits, your responsibility for paying the difference may put your savings or other assets, including your home, at risk. Such a situation is especially problematic for seniors who are often past their prime earning years.

Umbrella insurance protects against those situations by providing coverage that extends beyond your standard policy coverage limits. Umbrella insurance premiums are relatively inexpensive since most people never tap their coverage. Yet, it offers an extra layer of financial protection and peace of mind since you know you have protected the assets you worked so hard to accumulate against misfortune.

Working With Fuhriman Insurance Agency

It is comforting to know that you and your family are fully protected in a world where anything can happen. The Fuhriman Insurance Agency, which serves the needs of seniors in the Boise, ID, area, is here to help. Call us at (877) 342-7935 to discuss whether umbrella insurance offers the protection you need.